Thanks for a great time
Anthony Mayer
Anthony Mayer
Lisa Wangahl
Lisa Wangahl
Truly Inspiring
Adam Aspinall (Daily Mirror - UK)
Adam Aspinall (Daily Mirror - UK)
Wished we found this place earlier
Biel, Sicus, Juliets, Ruben
Biel, Sicus, Juliets, Ruben
Amazing Day
Terry Ellis
Terry Ellis
Nice, very nice!
O riginal
U nique
N ice (very nice)
D ankie! (baie dankie)
H eavenly
O ngelooflyk (unbelievable)
U nexpected
S uper
E xciting
Erik & Marieke, Trudie & Sleury, Jaap & Renske, Chris, Judith & Nikki
Erik & Marieke, Trudie & Sleury, Jaap & Renske, Chris, Judith & Nikki
Brilliant Stay
Stacey Allan
Stacey Allan
We had to come back
Jason & Julie Pratt
Jason & Julie Pratt
Most beautiful B&B
Aldo Prono
Aldo Prono
Shark diving fab
Paul & Tammy Dorking
Paul & Tammy Dorking
B&B Sanctuary
Andrew, Colleen, John, Margaret Sommerville
Andrew, Colleen, John, Margaret Sommerville
Holiday Spectacular
Best we’ve been to ever
Rodger & Frances Dunn
Rodger & Frances Dunn
Fabulous Place
Andy Grundon
Andy Grundon
More than I could have ever imagined
Clark Whitaker
Clark Whitaker
We loved to be here
Ralf, Renate & Raja Fugue
Ralf, Renate & Raja Fugue
Astounding Experience
Janey & Ben Narewski
Janey & Ben Narewski
Best in the world
Johan Boshoff (Divestyle Magazine)
Johan Boshoff (Divestyle Magazine)